About Me

a lil something from the two of us... a passion and hobby that we would love to share with everyone... a lil something that we would like everyone to hold and to treasure... each piece is crafted with a magical pinch of our thoughts, effort and passion... hope you like it!?!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Moment of Neglect

Oops...its been a while since we last updated our blog...so sorry...but Angie's been busy with work and as for me, been busy with school..but fear not! Holidays back, exams over and finally,have the time to sit down infront of the computer, with a cup of cold icy lemon drink, not working but staring into space! Really sorry to keep you people waiting...will promise to upload some new stuff that we have made for the last bazaar soon. There will also be some musical boxes that my friend got back over from Japan, and he's intending to sell them off! Nice pleasant music, will be figuring out how to upload some sound clips in here too, so please be patient for these intrinsic music boxes... oh, and thanks for the support and do keep coming back to check out the website!

Lots of grapes and honey~! Thank you!